Monday, April 30, 2012

Puppies Have Arrived!

The Puppies are here! Saturday was quite eventful. Moko and I spent the morning delivering her puppies, seven of them. It was a huge surprise to get such a large litter, even the x-ray didn't predict that many. We sadly lost one puppy, which was not born alive. So now we have six, five of which are in good health, and one which is about half the size of the others so he needs some special love. We feel incredibly blessed to have so many new puppies here to celebrate. They are unbelievably cute and sweet.

 Moko is an amazing mama. Here is a photo of them on day one just a few hours after they were delivered.

Video of the puppies just a few hours old. The one on the far left is our little runt. :)


  1. that moko... such a good mother

  2. Congratulations!!! Wow!!! I am amazed at so many pups for her size!!! That is incredible!!! You are doing such a great job!
